The Power of Oscillation and Resonance | ‘A Perspective on Material Evolution and Human Creativity’ (Pt.1)

We use the words “vibrations” and “vibes” a lot but seldom get that these are real and an essential part of creativity.

Kissey Asplund
4 min readAug 30, 2021

Oscillations are essential to the reality we live in. They impact our generative process (creative process), our abilities, and skills in addition to our life existence.

In this first part, I will walk you through a light introduction to what oscillations and vibrations are and why “kind of” understanding them is of immense advantage to you. We will also dip our toes into understanding the creative super tool of “resonance.”

What Is Vibration?

The clean definition of a vibration is “a motion or movement that happens repeatedly (more than once) over a set measurement (points A–B).” This unit can be anything you wish. Our culture uses “time” as our primary unit and measuring tool. When a body of mass pulsates back and forth over a set distance (time), we have “an oscillation.”
At this stage of understanding how the generative process works we can replace the words “vibration” and “vibes” with the word “oscillation.” (See oscillation as the core and vibrations as the after-effect that ripples out from this core.)

An oscillation that continues over longer periods of time forms a condition called “resonance.”We like resonance a lot and strive to achieve this in all our generations (creations)!

Resonance is a motion that happens in a constant repetitive manner through a steady contribution of the same amount of energy. What does this mean?
Well, we can liken this statement to being at the laundromat and putting a quarter in the dryer each 7 minutes to buy another cycle. Then we have the following: a steady contribution (you feeding the dryer) of energy (the quarter) in a repeated manner (every 7 minutes).

The dryer’s cycles continue thanks to your energetic contribution. All you must do is pay a quarter, no need to supply motion for the dryer’s engine or produce electricity for it to work. You only need to contribute an even amount of the same energy to make it operate.

When we achieve great timing and alignment, resonance exponentially returns more energy than we put in (you dry more clothes faster than if you were to hang them up). You can make more through less effort, giving you more energy to generate other things in life (like going to the bar while the dryer is finishing up your clothes).

For another example, let’s compare resonance to biking:
The first strides on a bike, our body must assign more energy to make the bike go from a standstill into movement. Once the bike is going, we can time our peddling in such a way where we can ease up and only contribute a fraction of what we put in initially. As long as we maintain steady timing, the bike has momentum.

Achieving great resonance allows us to have energy leftover for other things, making more while sustaining our current generation. It creates a loop that accumulates energy each time it circles around, like a snowball that grows rolling down a hill.

For Real, even Electrons, Atoms and Molecules Generate Energy & Vibrate.

Essential building blocks in our reality — such as electrons, atoms, molecules, and elements — all oscillate (vibrate). They all move. This is how they generate and bond energy in themselves and between one another. The energetic vibration becomes the “glue” that holds all these smaller pieces together. And this glue allows the particles to form solidness, such as a table or a rain cloud.

Elements construct all materials, including the ones that make us up. Therefore, we and everything in existence oscillate.

When we generate an object or idea, we alter the energetic structures of electrons, atoms, and molecules. We affect the materials’ energy with our proactive actions and movements; this forms our results.

We make a song through recording audio, and the playback of the recorded sound waves forces the speakers’ membranes to move. This movement causes sound vibrations in the room, which we hear through our skeleton’s, ears’, and skin’s interpretation. Throughout this sequence, particles vibrate in different ways (even in our body), enabling the recorded audio at one location to be audible at another.

An action like stone splitting is a more on-the-nose example of how changing vibrations transform shapes. The stone splitter takes an enormous piece of, for example, granite and splits this into a smaller structure, by driving several wedges into the large rock. They reconstruct the larger molecular formation through forced vibrations. This is possible through contributing energy in a steady and repeated manner.

We can hear the tonal difference, the vibrational shift, when the hammer meets the wedges throughout the process. The timing of vibrations, force, and resonance allows the stone splitter to generate a great impact relative to the amount of energy they assign.

Why We Generators Must Understand Resonance & Oscillation

The generative process is all about mastery in forming ideas into physicalness. Because of this, an increased understanding of what “physical form” is becomes mandatory. With this understanding, we can generate projects that are more potent and hold an increased oscillation — more energy.

Failure to subconsciously understand how resonance works when biking causes poor timing…

This is an outtake — read the full piece on Generation Watts.



Kissey Asplund

Creative Consultant, Meditation Teacher, Music Producer, and Founder of creative wellness website Generation Watts (