Resonance Frequency: The Real “Law of Attraction” | A Perspective on Material Evolution and Human Creativity (pt.2)

Everything oscillates and everything strives to build physicalness through resonance, including elements, materials and us.

Kissey Asplund
4 min readSep 13, 2021

Resonance frequencies — they are essential to our generations (creations) and the clean definition of “the law of attraction.”

As generators (creators), we strive to live in our most optimal resonance frequency. Only in this state can we use the energetic framework that naturally surrounds us 24/7. Doing so we can generate (create) more by using less energy.

Recap on Oscillation and Resonance

In part one, we discussed resonance and oscillation. Oscillation is another word for vibration. Everything holds energy, therefore everything pulsates/vibrates — this includes our body.

Resonance is a motion that happens in a repetitive manner through a steady contribution of the same amount of energy. (The bike and the laundromat in the last piece.) We want to achieve resonance in all our generations, because this allows us to do more, through spending less energy.

Everything Generates a Resonance Frequency

Understanding oscillation (and vibration) allows us to observe how physicalness builds via the laws of resonance.

This is also the clean version of the “law of attraction,” the “mystic secret” that many seem to refer to. At its core, it is just another way of referring to resonance, which is highly natural and occurs all the time. It is not something we must pay tons of money to understand; it is not for a chosen few, nor do we need someone else to dictate a ritual to make it work for us. Resonance constantly happens.

Resonance states that objects oscillating in the same tempo like to be around one another. The underlying framework also states that objects which are less vibrant and wish to improve oscillation gravitate toward objects that hold a more potent oscillation.

The lesser masses become “attracted” and want to “dance” to the more vibrant object’s resonance capacity (because of various factors we will not discuss today).

We can see demonstrations of this when someone sings in the exact resonance frequency of a glass, the exact oscillation (vibration) and resonance that the glass prefers to move in. Once the singer has found this pitch, they increase their volume dramatically, which overexcites the molecules and forces the glass to break apart. The amount of volume that the singer produces makes the glass “dance” so fast that its molecules can’t remain bonded and, as a result, it breaks.

Check out Mike Boyd’s video where he learns how to break glass with his voice (pretty funny one!).

This can also happen on a dance floor when a DJ plays too many of your favorite up-tempo songs for several hours straight. Even though you love each tune and feel excited — “Yes! this one too!” — an average body can’t handle being energetically maxed out in high levels of excitement for hours and hours at a time.

Understanding how and when to play tempos differentiates a masterful DJ from the rest. Masters know what to play so that you never hit this breaking point, because an empty dance floor equals “the party is over.” It also costs a DJ more to build energy back up than it does to maintain an energetic momentum that already exist.


For this observation, I will now form a simplified definition of the words “frequency” and “resonance frequency.”


When we wish to measure how many pulsations an oscillation (vibrations) has, we do so in a unit that our culture has agreed upon. Otherwise, it will become quite hard to reference what others mean in conversation. We have decided that this measurement is one second and the unit’s name is Hertz (Hz).

So, we measure how frequently the oscillation pattern forms one complete oscillation back and forth: one wavecycle over one second. We simplify this by saying, “Something holds the frequency of so and so.” For example:

  • Your eyeball holds a frequency around 18–20Hz (18–20 wave cycles/second)
  • The color red holds the frequency 480 Tera Hertz (480,000,000,000,000 wave cycles/second)
  • The note G4 functions at 384Hz (384 wave cycles/second)

Oscillation is some pretty fast-moving stuff!

Resonance Frequency

An optimal resonance frequency is the oscillation where an equation (us, objects, plants, animals, etc.) maintains its most potent state. This is the oscillation where a generation can produce the most energy through the least amount of effort.

This is also a personal frequency, because if everything had the same frequency, it would mean that everything in existence would look, feel, taste, smell, and sound the same.

…Let’s Continue

When we oscillate at our most optimal frequency — where we build resonance the best — other things and people that oscillate at a similar or slower tempo become attracted to our energy. This is how clean attraction works. We ourselves are magnetic. In the state of our most optimal resonance frequency and oscillation, we can access more information and possibilities…

This is an outtake — read the full piece on Generation Watts.



Kissey Asplund

Creative Consultant, Meditation Teacher, Music Producer, and Founder of creative wellness website Generation Watts (